new place image

Our MakerSpace is run by volunteers - real ones. We are open and honest, hoping to help our fellow members or future members however we can.

Media Mentions

A clean work space is a safe work space. Please allow everyone the benefit of a clean safe space by cleaning up after yourself.


Stay curious

With all the awesome tools available staying curious and trying new things is easy.It's easy to learn new and exciting stuff by taking a class at MakerSpace.


Be respectful

Please clean up after yourself. Respect other makers by leaving the area in an inviting condition like you would want. It makes it easier and more enjoyable for all of us.


Do good work

Doing good work is made easy by all the excellent tools and pooled knowledge available to us at MakerSpace.If you don't know just ask our number one priority is to keep everyone safe.

Meet some of the awesome Makers. We’re bringing people together to help them excel in their craft. We try to help build community and friendships that allows everyone to realize their dream Making. Learning. Sharing.


Pottery Lead and Instructor


Laser Shop Lead and Instructor


Board Member


Woodshop Lead and Instructor

Support us

You Shop. MakerSpace Charlotte benefits.